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Current status : Version 1.1


Thanks to for providing a way to get the game data.

Thanks to for providing a pricing API.

Thanks to The Forbidden Trove community for helping out with testing and suggestions. They are a group of high-end crafters that are open about helping out others learn. You can join the discord by clicking on the following button. You can find me in the tool-dev-chat channel.



A big Thank you to VMVarga of TFT for running a 5000 test experiment to find out Catalyst effect on slam as well as RaymundTheAmigoBoyz, Gwen and Tordana for also helping out in finding out Catalyst effect on annulments.

Thanks to Jix as well for testing regarding Eldritch Currency and helping out with testing the new simulator.


Thanks to Paull for an incredible amount of testing regarding the new simulator.

Thanks to knaap for all his help and suggestions, in particular with coming up the Crafting Basics page text.

Thanks to /u/TheDiabeetusKing for math formulas that first got me started.


For any comments, suggestions and bug reports please send an e-mail.


If you want to show your appreciation via donation feel free to do so via PayPal below :